Author of the popular hacking tools Phoenix exploit kit was arrested in his native Russia under the accusation that the distributed malicious software but also because of and possession of weapons for which he had no license.

This was one hacker in the forum, I published a malware author. Phoenix exploit kit is a commercial hacker tool, which until recently was sold on the black market at a price of $ 2000. Phoenix exploit kit is designed so that the visitor hakovanih computers and malicious websites to infect a drive-by download attacks. Like other similar tools, the Phoenix browser examines the site visitor that found unsafe and outdated version of browser plug-ins, such as Java, Flash and Adobe Reader. If there's such a plugin, Phoenix secretly installed malware by choice strikers on the victim's computer, which in the case of Phoenix and it has to be a computer with Windows OS.

Author Phoenix, hacker who uses the alias of several forums AlexUdakov was not too concerned that his identity could be discovered so it is not concealed clues. He was more than willing to participate in discussions with their clients and forum members. All this is revealed Brian Krebs, author of the blog Krebson Security that has followed this hacker and his activity on the forums. In addition, Alex Udakov participated in discussions about the arms trade in some specialized forums. Suddenly, in July last year, Alex Udakov is gone, and his clients have begun to complain that they do not receive responses to requests for support and sales tools. Alex Udakov remained silent for months, while in February the 2013th Listed at last year, explaining his reasons for absence. He was arrested by the Russian federal security service, which is the equivalent of the American FBI for distributing malware and illegal weapons possession. An investigation of numerous hacker forums and social networks linked to the person who uses the pseudonym forums Alex Udakov year old with Andre Alexander, who with his wife and child live in a small town which is located east of Moscow. Moreover, Krebs believes that Alex Udakov was a partner in fraud with fake antivirus programs in the period between the 2008th and 2009 year.

What catches the eye is the fact that those who were involved in the sale of malware and hacker tools do not bother to separate your identity from online real identity. Krebs said that despite the impressive hacker skills, leading cyber underworld players are not skilled when it comes to his own defense. One of the reasons is that many of those who were involved in cyber-crime, they believe, perhaps rightly, that it is unlikely that the authorities of the countries in which they live and act from which ever show interest in their activities. Also, many cyber criminals even like to brag about their criminal activities, possibly because they do not see it as a serious crime, and therefore do not see the reason to hide.