Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why Tesla is the God of Science?

As it takes much more than good music to become a rock god, so it takes more than innovative discoveries and amazing machines to become scientific god, and Nikola Tesla with his eccentricity, vision and willingness to suffer for science was exactly what he was and what he did writes How Stuff Works.

Nikola Tesla

 The site is dedicated to the explanation of the functioning of inventions and technology, compiled a list of 10 reasons why Tesla, who was born on this day in 1856, is - "god of science."

 10. I saw the potential - at a time when business empires are built on one or two good decisions, and the dollar was almighty, Tesla was constantly focused on their work. His inventions were ahead of their time and incomprehensible to his contemporaries, and he was as poor scientist fighting for funds to realize their ideas, forgot to patent a part of their ingenious discoveries.

 9. He was a visionary and dream big things - After his AC it "won" one-pointed Edison in 1893, Tesla received the opportunity to realize his boy’s dream and use the power of Niagara Falls. While many doubted his idea, Tesla in 1896 with the power produced from waterfalls he brought light in Buffalo, and a few years later and New York, dreamed of transferring energy throughout the planet, and with it the transfer of information. 

8. Ray of Death (Death Ray) - Just before World War Tesla introduced it to the idea of so-called "peace ray" that would forever stopped wars. Intended as an antiwar device, a kind Chinese wall, which would have kept the borders. New York Times presented it differently - "78-year-old Tesla unveiled beam of death." But during his lifetime he failed to present a functional model.

7. "I lacked some 'cap' in the head '- Map out as one of the reasons why Tesla is" god ". Weirdness is characteristic of geniuses and Tesla is lacking. Some argue that its Tesla inventions he manufactured exclusively in the head, unlike his opponent Edison, who tested, researched and made prototypes. The Tesla claimed that his ideas entered the head through blinding flashes, and suffered from auditory and visual hallucinations; hypersensitivity was the vibration and strong light, was obsessed with the number 3 and feared round objects like women pearl necklaces. In his hotel room kept pigeons, and when a colleague showed him un-boiled water under a microscope for life eating only cooked food. Although many believe that the scientist had psychological problems, his "bug" does not bother anybody in the social life as journalists and friends described him as charming, modest and eloquent man.

6. After it is called unit of measurement - measuring unit for magnetic induction was "Tesla" and it is an honor that not everyone gets really writes the site.

5. He was a prolific scholar - During his long career, Tesla registered 11 U.S. patents and over 300 worldwide. He developed some of the first neon lights and fluorescent lights, and invented and vehicles that can be controlled by radio signals.

4. He has donated radio - radio is the result of many research and innovation, but Tesla developed its core technology. Two years before Marconi's experiments with this technology, Tesla held a lecture on wireless energy transfer and in 1894 compiled a small portable radio. Maxwell developed the theory of electromagnetic waves, Hertz discovered as she passed, but without inductor (transformer) Tesla's inventions and other radio would not exist.

3. Clandestine laboratories - Like all "mad" scientist, Tesla had two clandestine laboratories. One was built in 1899 in Colorado Springs to deal with the mysteries of high voltage electricity and high frequency. The other, Wardenclyffe was closer to his home in Manhattan. There were the crane 57 meters high and 45 tons heavy set 36 meters deep well and 16 iron pipes was stuck 90 feet in the ground. This "machine" Tesla planned to broadcast current through the earth "for the entire planet to tremble."

2. Bill tragedian - Tesla fought against richer opponents were better connected than him. Edison has deleted his name and fame took over the power, and the Marconi beat him in the radio field. Love of science cost fame, wealth, health. When CP Morgan ceased to finance his Wardenclyffe, Tesla reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown.

1. The main reason why Tesla is the "god of science" is that he gives the world AC power systems Tesla moves the global industry and lightens our homes, while the Edison system is mainly used in batteries. His invention enabled the transfer of energy and Tesla saw the importance and potential of other inventions and has discovered the potential of Faradays’ transformer and generator and thus "harnessed electricity" to perform all work for us.
