Saturday, January 19, 2013

Responsive web design for better user experience


This modern trend with the emergence of smart phones and touch computing, provide new theoretical framework for the development of future World Wide Web.

Today surfing the Internet has become an outstanding experience, especially if he is available in small compact devices placed in our hands. Its  fun surfing the Internet with tablet computer in hand sitting on the armchair, or maybe in the morning with coffee table somewhere with a phone-computer in your hand. These beautiful moments are very important for all those who are dealing with some work on "web".

The text comes from the perspective of a SEO, but I will try to reach the point of all the guests who have decided to read. Let us talk about responsive web design.

The need for responsive design

This concept comes from the challenge of creating a web page that will use most simple semantic HTML structure and simple CSS style, while you may be sensitive (Responsive) for all modern devices. It involves retaining the essential components for creating web-page (HTML / CSS) and thus be able to adapt itself to the context and device that visits.
Current device landscape - Responsive design

Website designers five years ago had customized website design concept set for a home computer standing desk, with a relatively large screen and using the keyboard and mouse. The first signs of expanded horizons appeared with iPhone. Apple unless they've opened the work themselves, opened the thing to all. Therefore I am infinitely grateful that in the end all we have seen "Air" from the new fashion.

New way of using

Computers now have new representatives that are used with a touch screen. Imagine throwing out the use of an additional two devices to use, smaller and more compact form, the entire screen surface is all that maneuver fingers.

Gesture works

Also now when we think of the website how will look like, we have to imagine in different screen sizes. That means the overall appearance could use some visual elements of website layout that look good on a monitor, tablet computer and smartphone.  You can invent visual layout, or use one of the ready-known concepts of designs schedule.

Existing concepts for the design of visual layout used with sensitive web design are:
  • Fluid or liquid layout;
  • Adaptive or adjustable;
  • Flexible design;
  • Responsive or sensitive.
All these visual patterns are theoretical and for design a website should be used mixed or individually depending on the purpose of the website.
The next picture shows user talks about natural usability of Windows 8 touchscreen elements.

Windows 8 touchscreen elements

Context of use

The last element is the most important, where they developed and Mobile First (first cell) model, is associated with the possible circumstances when using the Internet on a given device. Building the story about the new approach in web design  add another factor, the device in the hand opposite the device table. If only imagine the phone display and arrange visual elements through it without having to estimate the user what to do with that material and what experience you have (user experience (UX) / User Experience) of visit the given website, we have unfinished aspects which will depart from our software. The first problem is how content is displayed on the phone. We have a small screen, which can display a relatively small number of elements of website may not be too hardware anxiety due to the battery and use relatively weak Internet connection.

What does that mean?
  • First, the design of the website should be semantically perfect, written in a well HTML structured .
  • Second, visual presentation with at least (which is possible) using of CSS code.
  • Third, images that can be flexible and thus does not weigh much.
  • Fourth, the use of JavaScript preferably not, but if you already have should be optimized for one to three functions. Therefore there is jQuery and jQuery mobile.
  • Fifth, the scripting language or programming language, if used, should be placed after the pattern of all previously mentioned items, plus to use the Semantic Web philosophy.
I hope now that its clearly what is all about and what new opportunities offers diverse range of devices. The development of these concepts that are related to web design enabled the expansion in all levels of software design. Visual software design is now intended for smartphone, tablet computer and a regular computer. All merged under one name: designing the user interface. There is a difference between software design and visual design software but more about that in another text.

Source: List

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Responsive web design makes it easier to view a web page through different browser sizes. Good choice on the examples presented. It would be nice, though, to see how responsive web design works on a web page that is mainly composed of text.Outsourcing Companies Bangalore

As you said Responsive web design is a big thing in the world, because everybody has different devices to browse the internet products. So the website needs to be adjustable to their needs. We have to consider all the responsive web design elements while building website

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