French Internet users are less equipped than their neighbors, Spaniards and Britons, according to a study Forrester Research Center on a sample of 22,000 people in the European countries, of which 4,000 in France.

French Internet users have an average of 1.6 for the connection device (PC, tablet, or "smart" phone) compared to 1.9 in Spain and 1.8 in the UK, writes the French Parisian. In addition, 56 percent of French has a personal computer, 42 percent of "smart" phone and tablet seven percent, while 13 percent of them do not even have any of these devices, to eight per cent in Spain and seven per cent in the UK.
Social networks Twitter and Facebook are less popular in France, according to a survey. Only seven percent of adult Internet users in France has an account on Twitter, while in the UK 18 percent and in Spain. As for the Facebook account, the French with 55 percent of users closer to the European average of 58 percent. According to the study, nearly 75 percent of adults in Europe regularly use the Internet, while in France 73 percent. The highest percentage of regular visitors online in the UK, 83 percent of adults, followed by Germany with 79 percent. Last in line is Italy, with only 58 percent.
However, the French are among the biggest users of the European e-commerce. Seven out of 10 adults bought books online in the last three months, with an average purchase of 221 euro, compared to 225 in Germany. This study was conducted on a sample of 22,662 people over 16 years, in France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK.