Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Galaxy S3" ' exploded in her pocket!


A teenage girl from Switzerland received burns of second and third degree when her Smartphone had exploded in her pocket.

 18-year Fannie Shlater was injured when her "Samsung Galaxy S3" reportedly exploded in the pocket of her pants, and she said she will file a lawsuit against the manufacturer.

 "I heard an explosion, burst like fireworks. Then felt a strange smell of chemicals and my pants started to burn," she told the newspaper Le Matin.

 The flame soon spread to the shoulders, but colleagues who at that moment were with her at work, managed to take her to the nearest toilet and extinguish the fire. "Lucky that my hair was tied, and the sweater wasn’t caught in flames," she said. However, she added that the burns are so serious that she must rest from work until 15 August.

 The official Samsung statement reads: "When you get a product that allegedly caused the accident, make a detailed investigation to determine the cause of this incident. Want all consumers to assure them that strictly control the quality of our products and guarantee their safety."

This is not the first case of exploding battery Samsung Galaxy S3. In May this year, a Reddit user posted photos of his damaged phone claiming exploded by itself. Last year a user of S3 from Ireland claimed that the phone exploded while he was driving the car.
