Thursday, July 18, 2013

Great features that you didn't know that exist on your iPhone


Most people don't search around Accessibility features on their iPhone, if you are one of those people you probably don't know about some awesome features that your iPhone has. To get the best of your iPhone go to Settings > General > Accessibility. Here are some great things that you maybe didn't know that are available.

Read texts out loud with VoiceOver or SpeakSelection

To enable this feature go to Settings > General > Accessibility and look near the bottom of the Vision area. Click Speak Selection and turn it ON if you want your iPhone to read the words you select. For those with print or learning disabilities, you can have your iPad or iPhone hightlight the words as it speaks them aloud. As IT World points out, if you select the first line and then swipe down with two fingers, your iPhone will read everything that the page loads.

Enable LED notifications

The iPhone doesn't have good way to show you when you have a new notification except for turning the screen on. If you find yourself always missing the notifications it's good to turn the LED notifications on. Go into Settings > General > Accessibility and than "LED Flash for Alerts" to enable it. Next time when you get a notification, the LED flash on the back side of your phone will light up. And it's usefull of course only if your phone is turned on that side.

Different vibration patterns for different contacts

Some people have different ringtones for different contacts, but what happens when your phone is put on vibration? In iOS 6, click on a contact and select "Vibration", than "Create New Vibration" and chose the vibration type.

Enable guided access to lock off applications when kids are using your phone

This is great feature that was introduced in iOS 6. We know how nowdays kids are all very interested in technology especially phones and games. Guided Access can restrict your iPhone to just one app (game for kids) and will disable parts of the screen. To enable it go to Settings > Accessibility > Guided Access. But if you are already in an app and want to enable it just triple-click the home button (yes, tripple-click!) pick the settings that you want and that's it.
